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The Clacton Express Preservation Group [CEPG] is delighted to bring some positive news on the future of 309624. We can confirm today that 2 of the vehicles are to return home to Essex for the first time in almost 2 decades, which completes our group's original aim of saving the set and returning it to the region. The BDTC and MBS, which form a representative pair, have been donated to the East Anglian Railway Museum, securing the vehicles’ long-term future. In time both will undergo full cosmetic restorations, alongside developing interactive displays and exhibits throughout the vehicles. The CEPG will remain as an active supporting group, continuing to work on both vehicles at the EARM, providing restoration updates and volunteering opportunities.

There is not sufficient capacity for all 3 vehicles to be homed at the museum, so The DTS will be heading off to short-term storage pending a further announcement on its future.

Additionally It is our solemn duty to report that there was another serious vandalism attack which occurred just days before the unit was due to move to its new home. Please consider donating to the new "309 Homecoming fund" to raise the finances needed to carry out these repairs.

-Statement from EARM-

The East Anglian Railway Museum is pleased to be able to support the Clacton Express Preservation Group in providing a home for part of unit 309624. In its mission to educate our visitors on the history of railways in East Anglia through the preservation of key items, the class 309 electric multiple unit fits neatly into the Museum’s collection to demonstrate the transition from diesel to electric traction. 

Whilst some substantial works will be required to transform the vehicles into high quality exhibits, we’re confident that they will prove to be assets to the Museum, helping to tell the story behind both the technology and history of the electrified railways in East Anglia. 

We would welcome support to speed the restoration of the vehicles, so please do get in touch if you would like to get involved. We do have an open day on 25thMay where you can find out more about volunteering with us so, please feel free to come along. More details can be found online at

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